For your convenience, we provide three pricing types you can choose from with a single click.
In the Fixed price type, your Ad price remains constant until you manually change it. It’s the most common case and most straightforward pricing type. Users with a clear target value in mind often find this pricing type useful.
The Variable price type will automatically set and adjust the price in your Ad to match the best price (lowest price for Sell Ads or highest price for Buy Ads) in the P2P Market Place for your selected Fiat and Token, until a certain price limit (set by you) is reached (i.e., the Minimum Price for Sell Ads and Maximum Price for Buy Ads). This means your Ad should appear as one of the first on the list for the same trading pair when sorted by price. Users may find this feature useful when prices are volatile, if they are looking to complete a transaction quickly, or to manage many Ads simultaneously in different currencies and/or Payment Methods.
Since the Ad price will never cross your defined price limit (i.e., the Minimum Price for Sell Ads and Maximum Price for Buy Ads stop loss), if you select Sell, then the price you’re willing to sell at will always match the lowest price in the search until the limit is reached, at which point it will not go any lower. If you select Buy, then the price you’re willing to pay will always match the highest price in the search up to a maximum price, at which point it will not go any higher.
Floating Price
The Floating price will automatically set and frequently update the price in your Ad based on the price in the Bitfinex spot trading market (the “Spot Price”) for that base token. The Spot price will be increased or decreased by the Spread which is measured in % (manually defined by the user). The spread is limited to the interval ±15%. If the spread is a positive number, the Spot Price will be increased. If the spread is a negative number, the Spot Price will be decreased by the spread.
If there’s not a Spot Price for your selected trading pair, which is common for many fiat currencies, the US dollar Spot price for the selected Token will be converted to the Fiat you selected using the exchange rate set by you. This fixed, preset exchange rate is set by you manually in the Rate field.
If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact Bitfinex Support. We are always happy to help!