We've put together some relevant information that we hope you'll find useful as you familiarise yourself with the Bitfinex Pulse platform.
— Basic Plus is an instant verification level available for individual accounts which allows you to post public pulses and receive tips. Learn more about Verification levels at Bitfinex here.
Note: Sub-accounts with a Basic Plus and higher verification levels can also create a Bitfinex Pulse account and write public pulses.
— You can make your pulses more targeted by incorporating keywords, tagging other users, and using hashtags.
— You can share up to four images per pulse, with a maximum size of 6 MB.
— You can search by both public nicknames and pulse content.
— If you hover over another user’s profile, you can click on the three dots to find the option to be directed to their profile page in a new tab.
Note: When viewing a user profile or hovering over their bio as seen on the image above, you have the option to copy their profile link.
— To choose the languages in which your pulses feed is displayed, navigate to the Edit Profile section and select from English (EN), Russian (RU), Spanish (ES), Chinese (ZH), Turkish (TR) and Portuguese (PT) variants.
— Strategies made on Paper Trading can be shared within your Bitfinex Pulse network. Learn more about Paper Trading here.
— In a Full-Screen mode, the search results will include the ten most popular hashtags (Trends); under the side panel mode.
— You can see a list of the pulses you liked under the Likes sub-menu under Your Profile; the pinned pulse is presented first, followed by the others in date order.
— If you have closed the News banner, you can re-enable it from the Edit Profile in your account section Show news feed banner toggle.
— If you opt to reveal aspects of your portfolio, such as wallet composition or portfolio exposure, the charts will show the percentage of currencies that are more than 1% in USD equivalent.
If you have any questions concerning Bitfinex Pulse, feel free to contact Bitfinex Support. We’ll be happy to assist you!