The Currency Conversion tool can be found on the Wallets page and is used to convert currencies to different transport protocols supported on the Bitfinex platform. Currency conversion is instant and free of charge.
How to use the Currency Conversion tool
1. Find the Currency Conversion tool on Wallets page.
2. In the From drop-down menu, find the currency that you want to convert.
In this example, we will select Bitcoin.
3. In the To drop-down menu, find the currency type you want to convert your current currency into.
In this example, we will search for Bitcoin Lightning Network.
4. Select the From Wallet where the currency you would like to convert is currently being held.
5. Select the To Wallet where you want your converted currency to be credited.
Note: You can also select the same wallet.
6. Then enter the amount that you want to have converted.
Note: An error message will appear if you attempt to convert an amount more than which you have in your wallet.
7. Finally, click on Convert to finish the conversion.
8. And that’s it! The converted currency will now appear in your Balances.
You can also find the conversion history in your Reports page under Ledgers.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Bitfinex Support.