On Bitfinex, there are two options for opening new funding to cover your margin trading positions.
Important: Closing and replacing funding will not affect your open margin trading positions.
Automatic system match
In this case, you let the Bitfinex system automatically match you with the best available rate. The platform will always use any available manually reserved margin funding in your Taken: Unused section first. Then, if your reserved funding is not enough to cover your margin position, the system will fill the remainder automatically with the current best market rate.
Manually reserve funding
To manually reserve new margin funding at your desired rate, you will need to close the old funding. You can learn more about how to do so in our guide Managing Margin Funding on Bitfinex.
The newly reserved margin funding will be used to maintain your margin trading position upon closing the old funding.
Note: You can browse the Funding page when you have open positions to review the current funding offer rates and decide whether or not to close one or multiple taken offers.
If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact Bitfinex Support. We are always happy to help!