An Interactive Book is an order that can be executed by clicking at a price on the order book.
How to place an Interactive Book order on Bitfinex
1. Firstly, log in to your Bitfinex account.
2. You will then be redirected to the Trading page of the Bitfinex platform.
3. Here, you can select the relevant trading pair from the ticker list.
4. Then, navigate to the order form and select Interactive Book from the drop-down box.
5. Depending on the order you want to execute, you can choose between Exchange or Margin.
Note: The default will be Exchange.
6. Next, select the interaction mode you prefer, you can choose to either Click to Place or Click to Execute.
- Click to Execute mode: Clicking an order book row will instantly create a Limit Order in the opposite direction to the selected order, at the selected order price.
- Click to Place mode: Clicking an order book row will instantly create a Limit Order in the same direction to the selected order, at the selected order price.
7. Then click on the I Understand, Enable Interactive Book checkbox found on the form to confirm that you have understood the feature. By unclicking the same box, you can disable the order type.
8. Then enter the Amount of the order you would like to place and click on the Interactive Book to either place an order or execute an order.
How to use Interactive Book order
This order type enables users to place limit orders quickly based on the given price and amount shown.
By using the Interactive Book order, traders can access the order book's moving market and execute instantaneous orders.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Bitfinex Support. We are happy to help!