Orders made on the Bitfinex platform can be edited individually, according to trading pair groups and in bulk when needed. Order history can also be selected to view the average amount and the price of already executed orders.
How to edit active orders
When you place an order on Bitfinex, it goes to the Orders widget. Here, all active orders are recorded and can be edited once needed. Multiple orders can also be edited in bulk, allowing you to close, edit and/or update orders all at once. This feature is efficient when trading and convenient if you have many orders.
How to edit orders in bulk
1. To edit all orders at once, go to the Orders widget on the Trading page.
2. On the right-hand side of the widget, you will find square boxes that you can click individually or click the top box to Select all.
3. To proceed, press the Edit button to edit your selected orders.
4. Here, the Update Order form will appear. With its help, you can adjust the price, change percentage, adjust if you would like the order to be a Hidden Order, and if you want your hidden order to become visible once it is matched in the order book.
5. Select Update Orders to complete the changes.
Note: Updating the status of an order will change its priority in the order book. If there are multiple orders at a single price, they are filled on a first-in-first-out basis. Orders will lose their priority in this queue when updated.
How to edit individual orders
You can change individual orders using the Modify option. This option allows you to update the price and amount, select if you wish to change your order to a Hidden Order, or want your hidden order to become visible once matched in the order book.
How to cancel orders
1. In the Orders widget, you will find the x button that cancels orders.
2. Here, you can choose to cancel orders individually or cancel them all at once. You can also choose to cancel the orders according to trading pair groups.
For example, selecting “Cancel group orders” in the screenshot below would cancel all two active orders for the trading pair BTC/USDt.
View Order History Average Information
The Order History widget allows you to view information on your past orders, whether the order was cancelled or executed. The information shown on the widget includes:
- Pair (trading pair);
- Context (margin, exchange or derivatives);
- Type (order type);
- Amount;
- Currency;
- Price;
- Average Execution Price;
- Leverage;
- Status;
- Inactive (the time the order became inactive, either by cancelling or executing).
Bulk selection is also available on the Order History widget. It enables you to select multiple executed orders and display the average order amount and average executed price of the selected orders.
How to view the order history average information
1. Firstly, click on the bulk editing options (the square boxes on the right-hand side) and hover over the top info i icon to see the summary of your orders.
Here, you will see the “amount traded @ average price” information of your selected orders.
Note: If you have selected multiple orders of the same trading pair, the average will show the same pairs’ accumulated average amount and price.
The summary information will only take into account the executed amounts, therefore cancelled orders will not be included, and for partially filled orders, only the partially executed amounts will be included in the summary.
If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact Bitfinex Support. We are always happy to help!