Deactivating your account implies that it has been deleted, and you no longer have access to it.
Important: Account deactivation is a permanent and irreversible action.
Note: If your account is deactivated, Bitfinex Support will be unable to reactivate your account.
Before beginning the deactivation procedure, please:
- check that you do not have any open orders;
- ensure you do not have open trading positions;
- make sure there are no pending funding offers;
- remove all assets from your account.
Note: Please be aware that under applicable law, we will still have a legitimate interest in retaining your data for certain purposes, such as for audit, compliance, legal, and regulatory purposes.
How to deactivate my Bitfinex account
1. To begin, navigate to the Account Settings page from the menu in the upper right corner of the Bitfinex platform.
2. Secondly, by updating your account status, deactivate your Bitfinex account.
3. Then a confirmation pop-up will display to validate your decision. If you opt to proceed, you will receive a confirmation email, and your account will be permanently deactivated once you confirm it.
4. Finally, confirm the deactivation email by pressing the Permanently Deactivate Account button to log out from your Bitfinex account
Note: You will be permanently and irreversibly logged out of your account once you confirm.
How to deactivate my Bitfinex sub-account
If you have created sub-accounts and would like to deactivate your Master account, but still wish to access your sub-accounts later, you must first Unlink them in the Sub-Accounts list before the deactivation procedure.
Important: If you keep your sub-accounts linked, they will be deactivated together with the Master account.
- Sub-account verification information shared from your Master account will be lost and your unlinked sub-accounts’ verification will be reset to the sub-accounts’ original verification level.
- Sub-account deactivation is only available for regular sub-accounts after unlinking them, therefore Bitfinex Bitfinex Securities accounts, Bitfinex Pay Merchant accounts, Paper Trading and Competition accounts that cannot be unlinked will also not be available for deactivation.
By deactivating your account, you will also lose access to all account information for your Master account and your associated sub-accounts (such as Bitfinex Securities accounts, Bitfinex Pay Merchant accounts, Paper Trading and Competition accounts). Account information that will be lost includes:
- Balance Histories;
- Trade Logs;
- Any other account history.
If you have any questions about your account deactivation, feel free to contact Bitfinex Support. We’ll be happy to help!