How to deposit XRP to Bitfinex
Note: On Bitfinex, a tag is provided for each of your XRP wallet deposit addresses. This tag is required to associate your transaction with your account.
1. To make a XRP deposit, firstly log in to your Bitfinex account.
2. Then, go to Wallets > Deposits > Cryptocurrency and select XRP.
3. You will be directed to a reminder page that warns you about the importance of including both your XRP deposit address and a deposit tag for the deposit to be credited to your account successfully.
You will need to confirm your understanding to proceed to the deposit information.
4. The Bitfinex XRP deposit address can be found at the top, and you can press on Click to generate address to get your own tag specific to your Bitfinex account.
5. With your deposit address and deposit tag, you can now create a transaction to deposit XRP to Bitfinex.
Important: If you do not include the proper tag or do not have a tag in your deposit, you will be charged a fee for the token recovery. Only users verified to Basic Plus level or above are eligible for the recovery process.
How to withdraw XRP from Bitfinex
Depending on where you are withdrawing your XRP, sometimes a tag may not be needed.
1. If you are withdrawing XRP from Bitfinex to a third party, be sure to confirm with the receiving party if all funds are sent to the same address and if you need to provide a tag making the transaction.
2. If a tag is needed for the transaction, copy and paste it into the Tag field on your Bitfinex XRP withdrawal page.
Important: If no tag is provided and you are sure that none is needed, you can select the No Tag in the checkbox. Also, note that a XRP address should be composed of a string of 34 characters.
3. Next, select the wallet that the funds will be taken from.
4. Click on Request Withdrawal.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Bitfinex Support.