What are Accredited Investors
Accredited Investors are investors which have sufficient net worth and/or trading experience to be offered a broader range of products than non-Accredited Investors.
Bitfinex Securities has recently been granted regulatory approval to include within the definition of Accredited Investors, individuals who qualify as professional investors in addition to high net worth individuals. Individuals who are Accredited Investors trade in minimum tradeable units across accredited assets listed on the Bitfinex Securities platform, regardless of wallet balance.
Note: Company and entity accounts can only be verified as Accredited corporate accounts.
Requirements to become an Individual Accredited Investor
Accredited Investors are either authorised firms, high net worth individuals, companies or individual users that have been classified as professional investors by Bitfinex Securities.
This classification process allows individual users to upload documents which demonstrate their assets and trading experience.
Requirements include:
- Total investable assets >= 100,000 USD (across fiat and crypto balances);
- >= 2 years trading and managing risk in securities or similar products (including crypto);
- >= 2 years experience working at an authorised financial institution or having been previously deemed a professional investor by an authorised financial institution.
For more information on how to become accessed as an Accredited Investor, please see our blog post: Bitfinex Securities Expands Investor Access to Accredited Assets.
How to verify as an Individual Accredited Investor on Bitfinex Securities
1. First, log in to your Bitfinex Securities account.
2. If you are already verified for the AIFC, then you can proceed directly with the second verification step on your Bitfinex Securities verification page.
3. Follow the classification steps to fill in relevant information and upload required documents.
4. Submit your classification request and allow time for the Bitfinex Securities compliance team to review.
5. Be sure to check your email for further information or requests regarding your verification status.
If you have any questions regarding the Accredited Investor verification you can send an email to accreditedverification@bitfinex.com or feel free to contact the Bitfinex Securities Support team.