The Wallet History section of Bitfinex reports provides a snapshot of the current holdings in your Bitfinex wallets. There are three main wallets on Bitfinex:
- Exchange Wallet;
- Margin Wallet;
- Funding Wallet.
Note: You can learn more about Bitfinex wallets here.
How to get Bitfinex Wallet History
1. Firstly, navigate to the Wallet History page which can be found under Manage Account > Reports or by clicking this link.
2. Then, on the left side of the menu select My History > Wallets or go to this link.
3. After that, you can select Export to get a snapshot of the balance in your wallet.
Note: The Wallet History report only displays current holdings and does not allow you to change the date range.
4. To finish, a pop-up will appear asking you to confirm your export request as well as the date format you want your report to be in.
All reports will be sent to your Bitfinex linked email and are downloaded in a CSV format.
If you have any questions about your reports, get in touch with Bitfinex Support for further information.