The Bitfinex derivatives wallet is a wallet you use when trading in the derivatives market.
Important: In order to trade with derivatives, you will need to hold Tether USDt, Tether EURt tokens, or Bitcoin in your derivatives wallet.
You can move your Bitcoin, Tether USDt, and/or Tether EURt tokens from your margin, exchange, and/or funding wallets to your derivatives wallet.
Note: Derivatives is only available to Bitfinex accounts verified above Intermediate level.
The balances widget can be found on your Wallets tab and displays all your account balances.
1. To move funds to your derivatives wallet, tap on USDt (EURt or BTC).
2. Now, you will see multiple options available, and to proceed, you should select Transfer USDt (EURt or BTC).
3. Select the wallet that holds your USDt (EURt or BTC) funds and from which you would like to transfer funds. In this example, it is the exchange wallet.
Then select the destination wallet that your funds will be going to — derivatives.
4. Finally, you will need to confirm the amount, then click Transfer to complete the move.
5. Great! Your funds will now appear in your derivatives wallet, available for trading. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at Bitfinex Support.