On Bitfinex, a deposit refers to a transaction in which you transfer funds to your Bitfinex account from an external party: a wallet, an exchange, or a bank.
How to deposit funds to Bitfinex
1. First of all, you need to go to the Wallet page and select Deposits.
2. Select the type of deposit you want to make: Credit/Debit card, Cryptocurrency, Bank transfer or Tether tokens.
3. Select the currency you want to deposit to Bitfinex.
4. Choose which of your wallets you will be depositing to.
For an overview of the different wallets, see here.
5. Now, copy the address created for the specific wallet.
Note: Choose Copy to Clipboard when copying the address to ensure the address is copied correctly.
Important: Be sure to include a tag or memo if necessary.
6. Open the external wallet from which you wish to access your funds. Then, send the funds (e.g. using MyEtherWallet) and paste your Bitfinex deposit address into the application as the transfer destination.
Note: For all cryptocurrencies, your account will need to be at least Basic Plus verified.
Corporate verified accounts require Intermediate level to deposit, trade or withdraw cryptocurrencies.
Important: If you use the third-party service provider OpenPayd for your Euro transfer, you only need to verify your account at the Intermediate level or higher.
Depositing to Bitfinex — Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
— Can I use the same address multiple times?
For many tokens, you can use a single deposit address. If you need to generate a new one, you can use the Change Address button to generate a new deposit address, and the old ones will remain valid.
Note: Deposit addresses created before the 10th of August 2016 have been invalidated.
— What tokens are supported for deposit?
Bitfinex does not support every single token, and transferring some tokens will result in a loss of your funds. Please view your Deposit page directly or check in our Currencies and Tokens guide for an overview of supported currencies.
Important: Please ensure your deposit is being made on the correct chain. For example, some tokens run on the mainnet as well as ERC20. Deposits made on the incorrect chain are unrecoverable.
Feel free to contact Bitfinex Support if you have any inquiries. We are happy to help!